The Dumpster Diving Era of Tech

This year is ending and I was thinking of writing something thoughtful, something about how the world is going down the drain, with some kind of wishful conclusion. But I’m not in the mood.

The only thing I can think of is how technology is entering in a kind of dumpster diving era. Where everything is considered trash, your creations, your own pictures, your face, your retina, or even your medical record, and they can be taken without any cost, to bring the most outrageous tampered reality.

There is no shame in anonymity. But now big tech companies have no anonymity, and no mortification either. It looks like being a public shameless figure (or company) is the standard. At least real dumpster diving has the dignity of being done for survival. For these companies: we are the trash.

 21 December 2024 | ideas ai english