Hi there! 👋
I’m David, a programmer (a C++ programmer?) and this is my personal website. I like to play random notes in a guitar or a keyboard, scrawling in notebooks, messing up canvases, and wondering, “am I creating art?” The answer is no.
What is a programmer?
Someone who destroys keyboards and crashes the computer in a higher rate than a regular human being.
What is a personal website?
It’s like your Facebook profile, but you GitHub
has to pay the servers to be ignored by the humanity.
What do you do?
I’m creating Aseprite, but someday I’d love to create a video game which I can be proud of.
What should I do to become a programmer?
Run, run like hell.
Show me some noise
Show me some code
#include <cstdlib>
int main() {
std::system("open https://github.com/dacap");
Show me some text
Show me some action
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